From: "Allen L. Jasson" <>
To: <>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>
Subject: Media Responsibilities
Date sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 01:27:19 +1000

A letter to Israeli Media regarding Media Responsibilities
I recently received from Gush Shalom an update regarding the currentWar Crime
Scandal attached below. In it were a number of references to the handling of this
matter by the media, in particular, the following quoted lines:
"Allthe TV and radio stations and the two major newspapers ignored the
"Haaretzhad published on its front-page sensation: Gush
Shalom has threatened officers: We.collect material against you for The
"commentatorsstarted a lynch.campaign. Expressions like 'traitors',.'informers',
'Capo' (the Jewish camp police, which served the Nazis in the concentration
camps),.'Judenrat' (the Jewish committees appointed by the Nazis in
the.ghettos) were freely bandied about.
More recently I received an annotated copy of an article that Ben Kaspit's
column of political commentary in the weekend supplement of Ma'ariv. This material
reflects not only a serious failure of Israeli media to live up to it's responsibilities to
impartially and accurately inform a democratic society but also an engagement in
irresponsible, propagandist distortion of the situation. The matter of war crimes
committed by Israeli soldiers is a very serious one that will have repercussions for
many years to come. Gush Shalom has performed an important moral duty first in
taking action to warn soldiers of their legal responsibilities and second in openly
undertaking to monitor and report such crimes. These are crimes against humanity
and the world is watching.
Already, the behaviour of the state of Israel under the Prime Ministership of Ariel
Sharon has earned the disgust and moral disdain of the non-American aligned world (ie
other than Israel and Tony Blair). Israel is the occupier of Palestinian lands; the
imperialist and the oppressor. Terrorism is the harvest of immoral seeds you have
sown. As one individual who would like to see Israeli and Palestinian states
recognised and living in peace and harmony, who would like to see war criminals
pursued relentlessly and brought to justice, I say to you that it is time to remember
your responsibilities to inform and promote discussion of these actions taken by Gush
Shalom in a mature and objective manner.
Yours Sincerely,
Allen L. Jasson (Melbourne, Australia)